Thank you for Pre-Registering for the Brotherhood by the Bog Men's Retreat to be held March 10-12, 2017 at First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach.

We should be contacting you by e-mail within the next few days to have you fill out an event Registration Form.

If you do not hear from us within a few days, please e-mail us using the e-mail on the registration webpage.

Your pre-registration payment includes your registration fee, meals, and parking for the entire retreat or any part of the retreat you attend.

Please note that overnight accommodations in the cabin are extra. 

You may purchase one or more nights in the cabin through us for $25 per night.  If you would like a cabin to yourself, please make arrangements directly with First Landing State Park for a private cabin. 

There are also a number of hotels nearby.

Pre-registrations are non-refundable after Friday, February 10, 2017.


We look forward to seeing you at the Brotherhood by the Bog weekend in March !!!