The Druid level degrees focus on taking the knowledge and skills learned from the previous degrees and applying those to teaching, mentoring, and community involvement.
The following three degrees may be embarked upon by Ovates (7-9 years membership) or higher. After nine years of membership in OSC, one automatically rises to Druid status and there are currently no degrees beyond the 9th. Druids may continue their personal studies, if they wish, and should also consider sharing their knowledge by taking leadership and teaching roles.
7th Degree
Focus: A Self-directed project.
- A self-directed project meeting the self-directed project guidelines (see below).
- Celebrate at least four Druid holy days of your choice for the year. If you are in a position to do so, lead at least one ritual for your grove or a small group of like-minded friends.
- Self-Study on one of the Nine Paths of Knowledge. Read at least three books related to your chosen path and write a minimum of three typed pages on what you learned. This should be a different path of knowledge than studied in your previous degree(s).
8th Degree
Focus: A Self-directed project.
- A self-directed project meeting the self-directed project guidelines (see below).
- Celebrate at least four Druid holy days of your choice for the year. If you are in a position to do so, lead at least one ritual for your grove or a small group of like-minded friends.
- Self-Study on one of the Nine Paths of Knowledge. Read at least three books related to your chosen path and write a minimum of three typed pages on what you learned. This should be a different path of knowledge than studied in your previous degree(s).
9th Degree
Focus: A Self-directed project.
- A self-directed project meeting the self-directed project guidelines (see below).
- Celebrate at least four Druid holy days of your choice for the year. If you are in a position to do so, lead at least one ritual for your grove or a small group of like-minded friends.
- Self-Study on one of the Nine Paths of Knowledge. Read at least three books related to your chosen path and write a minimum of three typed pages on what you learned. This should be a different path of knowledge than studied in your previous degree(s).
Self-Directed Project Guidelines
If this were college, this project would be similar to a master’s thesis. It will involve both self-directed research and the creation of something of benefit that can be shared with members of OSC or the Druid community as a whole.
Your project should be broken into stages that span the course of the full year. For example, you might break the project into quarterly goals such as Quarter 1: Develop the project goals and deadlines; Quarter 2: Research; Quarter 3: Make a draft or outline; and Quarter 4: Complete the project. Alternatively, you could set monthly stages, or set some other timeline.
Some possible projects include:
- Write a book (or at least a long report) on Druidry or some specific aspect of Druidry (minimum of 100 pages).
- Write a series of at least four complete rituals on a specific topic, deity, or study path for the course of a year. This might be for the solstices / equinoxes; cross quarters; or other holy days of interest.
- Research old United Ancient Order of Druids materials (we have many digital copies in our archives) and update the rituals and materials for the modern-day order.
- Create a multimedia, audio, or video presentation (at least 45 minutes) on Druidry or some aspect thereof.
- Create how-to guides for members on any relevant topic (such as how to write a ritual, how to identify trees, how to dowse for ley lines, etc.)
- Embark on a year-long service project for OSC or your local community (write an essay on your experiences).
- You are welcome to suggest other projects but be sure to get them approved before starting your project.
Possible topics include:
- An in-depth study and analysis of any of the Nine Paths of Knowledge (beyond what you’ve already done as part of your self-study).
- Historical research on the United Ancient Order of Druids.
- Druidry for the 21st Century – adapting older Druid materials and practices to the modern age.
- You are welcome to suggest other topics (Druid related) but be sure to get them approved before starting your project.